Site Wide Glossary
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H |
Hard waterWater that has a lot of minerals in it. Hard water can leave a layer of residue called “scale” on the surfaces of the plant and equipment. | |
HarmTo cause injury or damage. | |
HazardSomething dangerous that can hurt you. | |
Hazard analysisWhere hazards are assessed to determine how likely they are to occur, and how serious the harm that they cause may be. | |
Hazard identification formA form used in the workplace to record information about a hazard. For example, what it is, how it is being managed, and who is responsible for checking it is being managed. This form could be a physical piece of paper, or it could be a digital entry on First Priority. | |
Hazard registerWhere details about all of the hazards in a workplace are filed. | |
HazardousSomething that can cause you harm. | |
Heat Stable MicroorganismsHeat Stable Microorganisms that can remain active up to 100°C. | |
HMIHuman Machine Interface. | |