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Confined area

Area where there is not much fresh air.


Similar, being or doing in the same way.




Anything that is in your product that should not be there. If the contaminant has the potential to cause harm, for example, make someone sick, the contaminant is also a food product safety hazard.


To make something unsuitable or impure by contact with something unclean.


The action or state of not being pure. Having the presence of an impurity, for example, metal debris.


Changing something into something else.


An acronym for “Clean out of Place”. This refers to equipment that needs to be taken apart and manually cleaned.


A chemical that can destroy the surfaces of plant and equipment.

Critical Control Point (CCP)

A point, step or procedure in a process at which control can be applied and a food product safety hazard can be prevented, eliminated or reduced to a level that is acceptable. Also known as a CCP.

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