Site Wide Glossary
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C |
Confined areaArea where there is not much fresh air. | |
ConsistentSimilar, being or doing in the same way. | |
ConsumesEats. | |
ContaminateTo make something unsuitable or impure by contact with something unclean. | |
ContaminationThe action or state of not being pure. Having the presence of an impurity, for example, metal debris. | |
ConvertingChanging something into something else. | |
COPAn acronym for “Clean out of Place”. This refers to equipment that needs to be taken apart and manually cleaned. | |
CorrosiveA chemical that can destroy the surfaces of plant and equipment. | |
Critical Control Point (CCP)A point, step or procedure in a process at which control can be applied and a food product safety hazard can be prevented, eliminated or reduced to a level that is acceptable. Also known as a CCP. | |