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Casein to fat ratio (C/F)

% casein/% fat = C/F Ratio


A positively charged ion


A piece of equipment that separates substances of different density, for example, milk and cream.


The main body of a spray drier. Sometimes known as a drying tower.


A feature or quality belonging to the product. For example: the way the product smells or tastes.

Chlorine-based sanitisers

A sanitiser that has chlorine in it. Also known as an “oxidising agent” or “oxidiser”.


Clean In Place


The path in the process that the CIP cleaning follows. For example, the pipework, tanks, silos, etc. that are connected together and the cleaning solutions are pumped through.


The separation of solid impurities from milk products using a centrifugal clarifier.


How plants and animals are arranged in groups according to their similarities. Classification makes it easier to identify and name organisms.

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