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Unlikely to cause harm.


When layers of residue and microorganisms build up on the surface of something. A plastic-like layer forms on the top of the residue and microorganism layers.


Buttermilk Powder

Body language

The way you hold your body, the gestures you make, and the way you look at people. Also known as ‘non- verbal communication’.

Bound up

Held inside something so it cannot be removed.


A raised area around the chemical container that safely holds any chemical leaks or spills.


Liquid serum stream. Separated from cream churned into butter, and from cream concentrated to make AMF.



The part of an evaporator in which we evaporate water from milk. This is a tubular heat exchanger – a series of tubes surrounded by steam. Milk passes through the tubes.


Capital Expenditure.


Main protein present in milk. Casein is made of casein protein molecules which made up of 100-200 amino acids. In milk, casein molecules form micelles.

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