Site Wide Glossary
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A |
AerationWhen air gets into the milk. | |
AgarA nutritious seaweed extract that bacteria and fungi can grow in. Allows the laboratory to determine how many bacteria or fungi are present. | |
Agitatedto be stirred continuously. | |
Alcohol-based sanitiserA sanitiser that has alcohol chemicals in it. Alcohol-based sanitisers are often used to sanitise hands. | |
AlkalineWhen a chemical has a pH over 7, also known as “basic” or “alkali”. | |
Alkaline-based cleanerA cleaner that has alkaline chemicals in it. Alkaline-based cleaners have a pH above 7. | |
AllocateAssign to, or divide up. | |
AMFAnhydrous Milk Fat | |
Amino acidsBasic units that attach to one another in long chains to make polypeptides. Polypeptides join together to make proteins. Proteins can be made up of hundreds and even thousands of amino acids. | |